The Woods Project is so grateful for the incredible financial support we receive from a variety of entities, from young professionals and retired couples, to corporations and charitable foundations. No matter the amount, each donation makes a difference in the lives of the students we serve. With your support, we can continue to bring more disadvantaged Houston-area high school students in to the woods, to gain confidence and overcome obstacles in order to reach their full potential. To all of our donors, we thank you!
2016 Foundation Donations
- Andrew Delaney Foundation
- BBVA Compass Foundation
- Brown Foundation
- First Congregational Church Endowment
- Harris County Department of Education
- Herzstein Foundation
- Ironman Foundation
- Memorial Drive Presbyterian
- Powell Foundation
- Reuhl Family Foundation
- Samuels Family Foundation
- Simmons Foundation
- Stephen M. Seay Foundation
- The Tapeats Fund
- Vivian Smith Foundation
- Wayne Duddlesten Foundation
2016 Gifts
- Jeanine Abuahmad
- Ahmad Abulhaija
- Kyle Adams
- Ann and Jay Allison
- Association for Corporate Growth
- Gregory Bakeberg and Mary Pepin
- Martha and Calvin Barefield
- Donna Beard
- Nelson Block
- Read Boles
- Daniel Bryant
- David Cermak
- Jay Cherin
- Anthony and Cindy Coult
- Kathryn Czarnecka
- Michelle Dadourian
- Thomas and Sharon DeJoseph
- David Deschenes
- Vicki DeVore
- Linda Doodeheefver
- Robert Downey
- Paul Eickhoff
- Dave and Alice Elliott
- Robert Frahm
- Georgetown Rail Equipment Company
- Peter and Scotty Gillette
- Vean and Jessica Gregg
- Matthew Helm
- Cruz Hinojosa
- Katie Homan
- Bradley Johnston
- Tom and Angie Lalor
- Jill Lee
- Thomas Lee
- Margot Madsen
- Donald and Elizabeth Pagel
- Naimish Pandya
- Connor Parker
- Polaris
- Gary and Susan Rappaport
- Linda and Roy Reyna
- Jennie Robles
- Betty Rogan
- James Rooney and Tara Levine
- Steve Rosencranz
- Cory Russell
- Steve Scott
- Sandra Shenkir
- Lana Smith
- Aneta Sperber
- Gregory Spier
- Jill and Michael Stillwagon
- Ian Swarr
- Wells Fargo
- McDonald and Betty Winton
2016 Year End Boot CAMPaign
- Kyle Adams
- Geechy Adrien
- Steffy and Scott Clingan
- Robert Crutchfield
- Critz Cullen
- Mike Garver
- Jim and Ann Jackson
- Russell and Missy Johnson
- Dennis Kimen
- Jennifer Lorenz
- Diane Lund
- Jeff McFarland
- Susu Meyer
- Jason Moreno
- Cassandra Mott
- Karen North
- Georgia and John Rhem
- Joseph Richardson
- Leslie Rieder
- Abrey Rubinsky
- Chris Williams
2016 Walk for The Woods Project
- Erin Alvarez
- Amerisource
- Carlos Anguiano
- Kimmi Attaway
- Baker & McKenzie LLP
- Bank of Texas
- Melanie Barr-Fitzpatrick
- Sandy & Dave Bartholome
- Yoli Bartholome
- Donna Beard
- Michael & Valerie Bechelli
- Beau Bechelli
- Brian and Steph Bechelli
- Caitlin Bechelli
- Matthew Bechelli
- Cece and Greg Bechelli
- Brent and Julie Bersin
- Joe and Sue Boden
- Michael Boden
- Brian Bohannon
- Margot Bolanos
- Susan Boone
- Mike Bradburn
- Stephanie Bradley
- Terry Bruner
- Jason Buchanan
- Larry Burns
- Carlos Calvo
- Maria Campos
- Bernice Cherin
- Cigna
- Hall Clark
- Sam Clark
- Sarah Clifford
- Sherry and Bruce Cochran
- Jason Consoli
- Carlton Cook
- June Cooperman
- Crystaphase
- Critz Cullen
- Michelle Dadourian
- Katrin DeBacker
- Theresa DeBose
- Vicki and Tony Deeb
- Biruk Desta
- Greg Devetski
- Bennett Douglas
- Glenda Owen and Kevin Dubose
- Stan and Jane Edwards
- Faith Edwards-Allen
- Rose Ennis
- First Service Credit Union
- Marilu Elena Flores
- Sarah Flournoy
- Sonya Francois
- Shannon Frank
- Sara Freeman
- G&A Partners
- Doreen Gallevo
- Rita Garrido
- Edward Garza
- Marilu Garza
- Catherine and Neal Gassman
- Marji Geuther
- Ofelia Gomez
- Ray Goodwill
- Terri Griffin
- Lee Gyomlai
- Charles Hamberger
- Mary Harper
- Harper & Pearson Company, P.C.
- Sarah Harrison
- Jana Heaton
- Kristi Heaton
- Lavonne Heaton
- Laura Henry
- Bonita Henson
- Derek Henson
- Natalie Hierholzer
- Courtney Hinojosa
- Faith Hope Circle
- Jack Hopwood
- George Howe
- Jane Husband
- IberiaBank
- Bob Ittner
- James Jablonski
- Brittany Jerz
- Donna and Frank Jerz
- Sis and Hasty Johnson
- Charles Kaiser
- Rachel Kaufman
- Joo Pheng Khor
- Katherine Kravitz
- Jacki Lammert
- Deborah Lawrence
- Lenox Barbeque
- Scott Lester
- Vicky Linville
- Debra Little
- Lucy Litvak
- Cynthia Lockwood
- Rachel Lockwood
- Mirian Lopez De Aviles
- Sean Lowe
- Kristina Lund
- Maria Mannion
- Bobby Martinez
- Elizabeth Maybik
- Vernon McDonald
- Paul McGowan
- Kevin McIntyre
- Patti McNeil
- Ricardo Mejia
- Suzanne Mercier
- Jason Moreno
- Susan Morrison
- Noni Mrok
- Nora Murphy
- Matt Nelson
- Khue Nguyen
- Joseph O’Brien
- Micheal Palmer
- Connor Parker
- Janet Parker
- David Pederson
- Siobhan Phillips
- Becky Pitner
- Lois Ponder
- Bridget and Andrew Pope
- Power Plumbing
- Valerie Powers
- Amy Reardon
- Lydia Rios
- Imelda Rojas
- Mariel Rossman
- Jeremy and Suzan Samuels
- Diane Schenke
- SER Corp of Houston, Inc
- Michael Seuffert
- Steven Sheldon
- Cody Shilling
- Alton Shipley
- Silver Eagle Distributors
- Patty Simmons
- Kevin Smith
- Helen Snodgrass
- Faith Solo Spirits
- Eric Sondermann
- Space City Credit Union
- Spark Energy
- Justin Stanley
- James Stinson
- Tessa Lesley and Carl Stutts
- Claire Tapscott
- Jacquelyn Teare
- Ryan Thomas
- Michelle Thomason
- Marie Thompson
- Thompson & Knight LLP
- Thomas Toms
- Crystal Tory
- Valero
- Trent Wacker
- Toni Wallingford
- Phillis Walshak
- Champ Warren
- Harriet Wasserstrum
- Robin Wein
- Weinstein Spira
- Anthony West
- Kelly White
- Murray and Susan White
- Malcolm Wood
- Janis Wourms
- Cindy Young
2016 Fall Luncheon
- Doug and Lisa Alexander
- Harriet Alexander
- Cody Amakali
- Andrews Kurth
- Clarke and Elle Anderson
- Linda Anderson
- Jonathan and Julie Axelrad
- Melissa Bakay
- Baker & McKenzie, LLP
- Stephanie Beauvais
- Melanie Beck
- Tom Beresford
- Kim Bergen
- Brent and Julie Bersin
- Terry Bruner
- David Buck
- Patrick Buckley
- David Byford
- Kim Callahan
- Marcella Campana
- Mary Jo and Mick Cantu
- Imelda Cardoza
- John Chisholm
- Laura and Martin Citardi
- Melissa Coleman
- Carlton and Kathy Cook
- Stephanie Donahoe
- Maira dos Santos
- Duff & Phelps, LLC
- Jennifer and Lin Espey
- Mike Feinberg
- Fishman Haygood
- Flotek Energetic Foundation
- Dan and Ruth Flournoy
- Sarah Flournoy
- Abbe and Adam Forman
- Amy and Blair Garrou
- Marilu Garza
- Cullen Geiselman
- Shamika Glover
- Vanessa Goebel
- Hannah and Leonard Golub
- Jeff Golub
- Cristi Gore
- Allison Gower
- Reb Gregg
- Vean and Jessica Gregg
- Don Grieb
- Will Gruy
- Drew Gustafson
- Heather Halaska
- Harper & Pearson Company, P.C.
- Scott and Natalie Hausman-Weiss
- Carolyn Hippard
- Carol Lee and John Howenstine
- Amy Hubbard
- Thomas Hughes
- Judy Hunter
- Kelly Janzen
- Ann Johnson
- Sis and Hasty Johnson
- Genie and James Joslin
- Alexis Keene
- Duane Kelley
- Lloyd Kirchner
- Christina Kopanidis-Cantu
- Lewis Krinsky
- David Latham
- Marcy and Jason Laviage
- Andy and Jamie Lee
- Jane Leverett
- Lockton Companies
- Kristina Lund
- Jenny Marshall
- Paula and Mark Mey
- Jonathan and Shelly Newton
- Kevin Dubose and Glenda Owen
- Donna O’Neil
- Stelli Parsapour
- Jim Power
- Lisa Reed
- Joseph Richardson
- Michael Rigdon
- Anaili Salas
- Stuart Saunders
- Sherri Schugart
- Cheryl Scott
- Adrianne Shanks
- Katherine Smith
- Reed Smith
- Spark Energy
- Heather Springer
- Charlie Stewart
- Jill and Michael Stillwagon
- Donna Stone
- Felicia and Rafael Stone
- Jennifer Stringer
- Judy Stringer
- Howard and Jamie Strong
- Gabrielle Tekell
- Thomas Printworks
- Jennifer and Sam Touchet
- Bob Tucker
- Scott and Sarah Van Beck
- Laurie Vice
- Jennifer Wallace
- Whitney Walsh
- Brett Warren
- Champ Warren
- Geraldine Waters
- Lindsey Whitman
- Mitra Woody
- Bob Zorich