Changing the Lives of Houston High School Students

Young people inspired by the beauty and wonder of nature, the wisdom of mentors, and the affirmation of their infinite value and worth can become ever greater, smarter, stronger and more visionary individuals.

“I am more open to experiences and stepping outside of my comfort zone. Kayaking for miles on end helped me realize how much strength I have, both mentally and physically, and helped me improve my communication with others. I feel like my newfound sense of independence will help me accomplish daily tasks with more confidence in my abilities.” – Adam T.  

The Woods Project is committed to building and supporting a community of active inclusion. We encourage our students to recognize and embrace their full potential thereby enabling them to change their life trajectories for the better. We promote a culture free from bias for all students and volunteers, of every race, ethnicity, gender, gender expression, sexual orientation, ability and religious identity.

TWP helped me find my voice. I grew so much over the summer, both as a person and as a leader. I experienced a real transformation. Since the summer trip, I am a lot more open and willing to take command of a situation, something I was completely incapable of prior to being in Donner Pass.” – Robert G.